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  • Couchtisch Cut Primitives von Pucalpa Design Studio
  • Schrank Detail The Silicon Palace von Pucalpa Design Studio
  • Couchtisch Cut Primitives von Pucalpa Design Studio Kegel
  • Schrank The Silicon Palace von Pucalpa Design Studio
  • Couchtisch Cut Primitives von Pucalpa Design Studio Detail

Pucalpa Design Studio – Furniture and Jewelry

Ausstellung vom 2. Juni – 28. August 2016

Amazing Crocodile Design Store präsentiert die brandneuen Möbel- und Schmuckentwürfe des spanischen Design Studios Pucalpa.


Pucalpa Design Studio

Auch wenn es sich so anhört – Pucalpa ist keine Stadt im peruanischen Regenwald. Pucalpa ist eine Marke und ein Design Studio, ansässig in Madrid. Pulcalpa umschreibt die eigene Philosophie so: „Wir verbinden in unseren Objekten zeitgenössische Kunst, Bühnenbild und visuelle Kommunikation. Für uns gehören der Raum und die Dinge untrennbar zusammen. Wir legen unser Augenmerk auf die Wiederbelebung lange vergessener Handwerkskünste, alter Sprachen, altertümlicher Schriften und verborgener Wunder. Wir wollen diese Traditionslinien in unsere Produkte einfließen lassen.“


Amazing Crocodile Design Store proudly presents for the very first time the brand new furniture and jewelry designs of Pucalpa Design Studio

Pucalpa Design Studio

„Pucalpa is a brand and a design practice.

Our backgrounds in contemporary art, stage design and visual communication come together in the objects we make: to us space and products belong to a single order of things and we cannot understand one without having to deal with the other.

As a brand we are interested in the recovery of long forgotten crafts, ancient tongues, archaic scripts and the arcane wonder. We seek to update this tradition of profound affection with our contemporary domestic products.

As a design practice we approach every project performatively, attending to the specific narrative and engaging with the actors involved. We provide a comprehensive service for both businesses and private customers, with special regard on the cultural and the contemporary art sector. We love anything remotely spatial: interior architecture, taylor-made furniture, product design, retail and storefront, stage and studio, exhibitions and art advisorship.

Although it may sound like it, Pucalpa is not a city in the peruvian rainforest. It is a cave full of jungle. An exuberant getaway tunnel from critical discourse to locally manufactured goods.“